First saw from
izzru korean blog my mind was
ardy in confusion and the mixture feeling of happy/sad?? has engulfed me my emotion just
couldnt get straight onto it and i even teared up..i was basically flabbergasted and speechless on
jiwon sudden news of him getting married in April, finally jw has drop the bomb..okay i
knw he had said it before on 1d2n he wanted to get marry at the half of this year then another news has it that heard him mentioned it on the news before that he wanted to settle down 2 yrs later?? And now why the sudden news of getting married in April?? April some more!! Will he choose April 15
th as his wedding date?? -.-
To be honest
im not too
ecstatic on his wedding news
coz- It was too sudden, really sudden for me to gulp the news down and usually sudden news like this will always come with a huge underlying blow of such that "oh coz my gf is expecting" -.- which i really really crossing finger it would never ever be TRUE!!
- I was really really hoping that he will hold his wedding 2 yrs later when suwonne get out frm his military service so that sw has the chance to attend his wedding and who knows we will be able to see jekki reunion and singing carol to him? but sigh i guess it was juz an impossible wish now ;(
Wait a minute if jw and his gf had met each other in hawaii wouldn that meant sunghoon might also know her as well? and there are probability chances that sunghoon might attend jw wedding?i truly hope jw wedding will at least be later than jaeduc army discharge date at least there's hope that we will be able to see jd, sh and perhaps jy at the wedding?? rather than ONLY the 1d2n gang..not that i had anything against the 1d2n gang but why isn anyone care about the attendance of jekki members as well??!! Okay i guess im just throwing a tantrum here over jw sudden news and the inability to see full attendance frm jekki members to their leader wedding -.-
I knw as a fans i ought to wish him happiness since he's ardy at the marriageable age(tho not too marriageable in my opinion since he's a celeb and there are other celeb that are way older than him but yet marry -.-) and i know its selfish of me to hope that this news wasn realiable and that jiwon just wanted to tease his fans out but with all the news been spreading around i guess it must have been true then well what can i say further anyway hope jw a blissful wedding with his future wife..