Friday, June 26, 2009
Spot the similarity of these two vids from their perf Kisado and Yonjong? If ur tinking that it was kang sunghoon mike that doesn work you are so right! That juz show how terrible the sound system is back then rite But i wonder why does it always happened to sunghoon mike and not the other members?hmm. But im impressed tho that sunghoon juz continued singing the song as usual along with that huge smile of his =D
Actually from the heap of vids that i collected lately i notice sechskies seem to have quite a few glitches during their perf onstage not only do they have technical sound problem, they even slip onstage and also had a busted stage during their performances but despite all those they continued their performance as usual now thats wat i called it PROFESSIONAL!
P/s: R.I.P Michael Jackson the world has lost a great legendary dancer, singer and musician ;( This got nothing to do with sechskies but juz thought i express it here since sechskies do sing his song too which is 'you are not alone' back then.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Ok i decided to post this vid after reading and watching the current CTP epi on izzru post whereby jiwon was talking abt how suwon actually got into Sechskies and i thought the vid really does show it(in a way at least)..
Well actually jiwon and sunghoon are frends back in Hawaii and they both been spotted by the producer when they visited one of the club where jw and sh performed and initially jiwon and sunghoon are supposedly to duet together only but due to H.O.T released and their released brings such a huge mega hit the DSP producer decided to bring in more members. Jaeduk and jaejin are both b-boying grp from pusan and they are being taken in to incorporate more power dancing (thats how they got their title as the best dance grp :])while suwon was actually accompanying his frends to audition and in turn of events suwon was the one who get spotted by the producer instead whereas jiyong ermm im not too sure on how he got in but read frm somewhere it was sunghoon who recommend him to the producer?
And so that is how the other members came abt :) Sigh how i wish these boys didn break up so soon coz i believe they could achieve much more if they didn break up sooner than expected :(
Monday, June 15, 2009
I want this look on Jaeduk now!

Im soo uber in love wif kim jaeduk above 2nd pic he juz exudes that sweet charm in that pic that till my first impression when i saw this pic was that "god he look abit like wonbin(my fav actor btw)" im currently trying to search for this kind of look on jaeduk but wif the whole grp but to no avail. I once saw it on naver in some blog but sadly i cant save them :( i soo wanna those grp pic but wif jaeduk spotting this kind of image =(
Frankly i tink of all the rest of sechskies member i tink jaeduk seem to be the most thats is becoming more good looking ok i sound practically favouritism as he is one of my fav member in sechskies but he look quite young wif that kind of hairstyle in the first pic i really love his look before he entered the army. Haiz i miss jaeduk oppa.
Im now waiting for the epi of Come to play whereby Jiwon invites Suwon over as his BEST FRIENDS GUEST yes can u believe it i find it juz so super sweet and at the same time assured that deep down in Jiwon heart he still regard his Sechskies members as his best frend i really hope Jiwon could make up his frendship wif Jiyong tho its been 8 yrs since they quarrel and i tink its really time for them to be frends again i understand its inevitable not to fight wif ur frends esp close frends even Shinhwa which are reknownly to have tenacious frendship among their members do have conflict and as said by izzru which is so true, the forgive and forget part is the most important than the actual fight..i been in this situation before and i knw how it felt like no matter how long u didn talk or didn keep in contact wif your close frends that you quarrel but deep down u still love them as they had ardy been embedded a special place in our heart esp if they are your special frends:)

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Im actually procrastinating on whether i should switch this stagnant blog to my aficionado blog on my fav top 90's idol sechskies next to H.O.T and i decided to open it due to the fact that i seem to have alot on this grp on mind and also been inspire by izzru(the long lasting fans of sechskies). But this blog is not totally the fan-ish type it would just contain my thoughts that i wish to spill on these group :)
Ok to introduce Sechskies are one of the top idol back in the 90's and being famously known as the rival of H.O.T. Most of the fans back then were either H.O.T or Sechskies fans. The name Sechskies literally mean as 6 crystal in german and they are divided in two kies which is Black Kies consist of the 3 older member; Jiwon,Jaejin and Jaeduc while the White Kies consist of the other 3 younger member; Sunghoon,Jiyong and Suwon. They debut on 15 April 1997 and sadly disband only after 3 years of activities on May 2000 due to their crap management co DSP. If your curious what am i blabbering about here is a gist on their short profile

From left:Lee Jaejin,Kang Sunghoon, Ko Jiyong, Eun Jiwon, Jang Suwon, Kim Jaeduk
Ji Won
Position: Leader/Main Rap
Full Name: Eun Ji Won (English Name: Matthew Eun)
Nickname: Ggam Shi (Because his skin is dark)
Birthday: June 8, 1978
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Blood Type: A
Siblings: Two older brothers two older sisters
Religion: Buddhist
School: Temporary withdrawal from HPS in Hawaii
Hobby: Watching movies, listening to music
Talent: Swimming
Ideal Girl: A girl with a natural, fresh look (like his favorite actress Kim Ji Ho)
Jae Jin
Position: Choreographer, Rap/Vocal
Full Name: Lee Jae Jin
Nickname: Koala (because of his nose), Choon Sam Yi
Birthday: July 13, 1979
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Blood Type: O
Siblings: One younger sister
Religion: Atheist
School: Kyoung Gi University, Film/Acting Major
Hobby: Collecting Pogs (man, I still got tons of those things from long ago!)
Talent: Wave dancing, drawing animated cartoons
Ideal Girl: A cute girl
Jae Duk
Position: Choreographer, Rap
Full Name: Kim Jae Duk
Nickname: Choom Ggoon, Over Man
Birthday: August 7, 1979
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Blood Type: AB
Siblings: One younger sister
Religion: Atheist
School: Kyoung Hee University, Theater Major
Hobby: Dancing
Talent: Soccer
Ideal Girl: A kind girl, someone who catches his eyes the first time
Sung Hoon
Position: Lead Vocal
Full Name: Kang Sung Hoon (English Name: Mickey (Rickey) Kang)
Nickname: Bang Geul Yi (because he always smiles)
Birthday: February 22, 1980
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Blood Type: B
Siblings: One younger sister
Religion: Christian
School: Graduated Korean Foreign School
Hobby: Listening to music
Talent: Sports
Ideal Girl: A small, cute girl who would be interested in only him
Ji Yong
Position: Vocal/Rap
Full Name: Ko Ji Yong
Nickname: Ddoh Chi (A cartoon character that has a long neck)
Birthday: July 1, 1980
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Blood Type: O
Siblings: One older sister
Religion: Catholic
School: Seoul Arts University, Broadcast Major
Hobby: Collecting perfume/cologne and accessories
Talent: Pool (pocket ball)
Ideal Girl: A girl who would love only him
Su Won
Position: Vocal
Full Name: Jang Su Won
Nickname: Short Man
Birthday: July 16, 1980
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Blood Type: A
Siblings: One older brother
Religion: Buddhist
School: Kyoung Hee University, Theater Major
Hobby: Watching videos, collecting perfume/cologne
Talent: Soccer, basketball
Ideal Girl: A small, cute girl who has a lot of charm
A little note this is not their most updated profile as this is taken way back when they are still active
Ok to introduce Sechskies are one of the top idol back in the 90's and being famously known as the rival of H.O.T. Most of the fans back then were either H.O.T or Sechskies fans. The name Sechskies literally mean as 6 crystal in german and they are divided in two kies which is Black Kies consist of the 3 older member; Jiwon,Jaejin and Jaeduc while the White Kies consist of the other 3 younger member; Sunghoon,Jiyong and Suwon. They debut on 15 April 1997 and sadly disband only after 3 years of activities on May 2000 due to their crap management co DSP. If your curious what am i blabbering about here is a gist on their short profile

From left:Lee Jaejin,Kang Sunghoon, Ko Jiyong, Eun Jiwon, Jang Suwon, Kim Jaeduk
Ji Won
Position: Leader/Main Rap
Full Name: Eun Ji Won (English Name: Matthew Eun)
Nickname: Ggam Shi (Because his skin is dark)
Birthday: June 8, 1978
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Blood Type: A
Siblings: Two older brothers two older sisters
Religion: Buddhist
School: Temporary withdrawal from HPS in Hawaii
Hobby: Watching movies, listening to music
Talent: Swimming
Ideal Girl: A girl with a natural, fresh look (like his favorite actress Kim Ji Ho)
Jae Jin
Position: Choreographer, Rap/Vocal
Full Name: Lee Jae Jin
Nickname: Koala (because of his nose), Choon Sam Yi
Birthday: July 13, 1979
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Blood Type: O
Siblings: One younger sister
Religion: Atheist
School: Kyoung Gi University, Film/Acting Major
Hobby: Collecting Pogs (man, I still got tons of those things from long ago!)
Talent: Wave dancing, drawing animated cartoons
Ideal Girl: A cute girl
Jae Duk
Position: Choreographer, Rap
Full Name: Kim Jae Duk
Nickname: Choom Ggoon, Over Man
Birthday: August 7, 1979
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Blood Type: AB
Siblings: One younger sister
Religion: Atheist
School: Kyoung Hee University, Theater Major
Hobby: Dancing
Talent: Soccer
Ideal Girl: A kind girl, someone who catches his eyes the first time
Sung Hoon
Position: Lead Vocal
Full Name: Kang Sung Hoon (English Name: Mickey (Rickey) Kang)
Nickname: Bang Geul Yi (because he always smiles)
Birthday: February 22, 1980
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Blood Type: B
Siblings: One younger sister
Religion: Christian
School: Graduated Korean Foreign School
Hobby: Listening to music
Talent: Sports
Ideal Girl: A small, cute girl who would be interested in only him
Ji Yong
Position: Vocal/Rap
Full Name: Ko Ji Yong
Nickname: Ddoh Chi (A cartoon character that has a long neck)
Birthday: July 1, 1980
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Blood Type: O
Siblings: One older sister
Religion: Catholic
School: Seoul Arts University, Broadcast Major
Hobby: Collecting perfume/cologne and accessories
Talent: Pool (pocket ball)
Ideal Girl: A girl who would love only him
Su Won
Position: Vocal
Full Name: Jang Su Won
Nickname: Short Man
Birthday: July 16, 1980
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Blood Type: A
Siblings: One older brother
Religion: Buddhist
School: Kyoung Hee University, Theater Major
Hobby: Watching videos, collecting perfume/cologne
Talent: Soccer, basketball
Ideal Girl: A small, cute girl who has a lot of charm
A little note this is not their most updated profile as this is taken way back when they are still active
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