Im soo uber in love wif kim jaeduk above 2nd pic he juz exudes that sweet charm in that pic that till my first impression when i saw this pic was that "god he look abit like wonbin(my fav actor btw)" im currently trying to search for this kind of look on jaeduk but wif the whole grp but to no avail. I once saw it on naver in some blog but sadly i cant save them :( i soo wanna those grp pic but wif jaeduk spotting this kind of image =(
Frankly i tink of all the rest of sechskies member i tink jaeduk seem to be the most thats is becoming more good looking ok i sound practically favouritism as he is one of my fav member in sechskies but he look quite young wif that kind of hairstyle in the first pic i really love his look before he entered the army. Haiz i miss jaeduk oppa.
Im now waiting for the epi of Come to play whereby Jiwon invites Suwon over as his BEST FRIENDS GUEST yes can u believe it i find it juz so super sweet and at the same time assured that deep down in Jiwon heart he still regard his Sechskies members as his best frend i really hope Jiwon could make up his frendship wif Jiyong tho its been 8 yrs since they quarrel and i tink its really time for them to be frends again i understand its inevitable not to fight wif ur frends esp close frends even Shinhwa which are reknownly to have tenacious frendship among their members do have conflict and as said by izzru which is so true, the forgive and forget part is the most important than the actual fight..i been in this situation before and i knw how it felt like no matter how long u didn talk or didn keep in contact wif your close frends that you quarrel but deep down u still love them as they had ardy been embedded a special place in our heart esp if they are your special frends:)

I agree with u jama. Jaeduk does look younger in some hairstyles! LOL let's hope he does try one of those hair styles later on after his service is done =D
As well, Im sure Jiwon and Jiyong are all more of an adult who will find forgiveness in their hearts and makeup for the time they hadn't talked to each other. Im sure once they talk, they'll be BFF no doubt. cuz they are so alike, they really do go along well and i hope their friendship continues cuz i know they value much.
I'm editing the vid clips of CTP now. I juz posted on my Korean blog and im editing to put it up on the ENG one. LOL it'll take some time to me to translate tho. but i'll do it as fast as i can (im kinda busy these dayz from the job applications and stuff X0 sorri) I luved this week's episode of CTP! I absolutely luv jiwon and suwon and their brotherhood bonding thing, altho some fans didn't like the show, but i really really liked it =) It was kinda refreshing to see both jiwon and suwon on a same show and talk abt themselves. and suwon was very cute XD
aww izzru thanks so much for popping by to my blog despite ur bzness:)
Seriously i can nvr thank u enuf for all ur hard work the eng fan blog, the translation, the answer to my curiousity etc i feel bad sometimes that i seem to impose u im truly sorry and seriously not to worry on ur taking time coz i knw translation is DEFINITELY not easy which is why im really am thankful to u for willingly to do it despite ur bz stuff. And oh i too love this wk CTP! Its been really a long time since jw had been in the variety show wif his jekki member im so loving every single moment that they talk in their usual jekkiness way;) which is a wonder why would some fans didn like the show for?shouldn they be happy that jw is bringing suwon as his BEST FREND guest!
Again, no problemo with the translations stuff =) I wanted to do it as fast as i can, to enjoy the show with u. heh XD
Some fans (individual member's fans, not whole Jekki fans) didn't like the show, cuz Suwon told that Jiwon was a dictator during the Jekki times - which brings Jiwon bad public images, being a dictator and selfish person and all. they were actually bi0ching abt Suwon and his way of speaking things, cuz they think suwon talked to seriously that's why the matter became humongous. There were some ppl (prolly young and blank headed ppl who just wanna gossip like therez no tmrw) saying bad things abt Jiwon and his dictatorshipness ways during Jekki. but those ppl didn't even know abt Jiwon as a Jekki members. I got so fed up with both groups of ppl, like those Individual fans saying sh0ts abt suwon and those bubbleheads saying bad things abt Jiwon and his dictatorshipness thing. *whew* i think i talked to much. X( anyway yah.. some ppl juz wanna gossip like crazy and i dun care what theyre saying unless those individual fans are saying bad things abt other members (cuz those individual fans dun care for Jekki but one member only. it's quite complicated issue. sigh)
Lol i see nah dun bother abt them izzru only true jekki fans wld understand the usual jekki members unique convorsation rite ;)
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