I would also like to thank izzru for painstakingly getting the jekki cd for me thank you so much izzru eventhough they are not new but at least i finally get to own some of absolete jekki stuff for momentum sake :) LOL i feel like as tho im giving out a thank you speech at the award ceremony now haha..
Ok just a slight introduction of me as a form of respect im from singapore, im a malay and im actually 24 yrs old now..yeah! not much of age difference with lisa,dulce and perhaps leo and izzru too :) i started to know jekki way back in 2004 due to their hot rivalry news btw jekki and h.o.t when i first got to knw abt h.o.t however, im not much of their fans back then(im such a bad jekki fans rite) as im more into h.o.t but i remember saying this sentence to myself when i first saw their pic back then that is "Wow jekki do have a good looking members too" and if im not mistaken im referring to jiyong and sunghoon LOL but now i regret so much that i didn crazy about them too back then. It was only recently in april that i started to like jekki after watching CTP old idol special and i had this sudden curiousness over these boys that i started to search about them all over the web:)I remember reading frm somewhere back then that jekki is always known as the best dance grp and now i finally knw why they are indeed the best grp with great dance move and great singing, mind they can even sing live perfectly while dancing too!
Anyway i just rewatched the video clips of the making of my love mv again and i just notice one thing which make me wonder was jiwon wearing the same pendant as jiyong wore during jekki days? Here is the pic of it;

Initially i didn really notice it when i first watch the my love mv making until when i rewatch it again just now (due to lisa comment abt suwon ducking away which trigger me to watch the making mv again) that i notice it..Isnt it the same? It looks kinda the same isnt it except for the chain :) the pendant was so dinstinctive when jiyong wore it that i could remember it vividly which is why i could notice it on jiwon too when i watch the video again. Hmm does all of the jekki members have that pendant too or was it juz a love token frm jw/jy haha..
By the way i been wondering abt this for quite some time ago does jekki have any logo just like H.O.T? coz i cant seem to find any of their logo around on the web :(
tThanks for your warm welcome Jama!
It is me that should be saying thank you, thank you for loving Jekki, Thank you for having this blog. Thank you for letting all of us know that we are not alone.
Jekki are a great looking bunch but during their career, I think they must have done something to piss off their cordis all they gave Jekki were stuff that hang off their body, nothing really fits them, not till the fourth album. I think they looked the best in basic stuff they are too nice looking to be in anything overwhelming.
But aside from their look, it was their song that pull me in to them in their first place, I still get chills when I pop in their cd from like 98 99.
Hmm the necklace does look like the one jiyong have I think i remember seeing them on the other members during their 3rd album days
Jekk did have some sort of offical symbol during 1st and 2nd album , I personally didn' really like it the fan created logo were much much better.
Yellow Ballon was the only offical symbol that I can remember for them ^^
thanks lisa for your comment i really really appreciate it ^____^
I so had to agree with you on their cordis is it a trend back then to wear huge clothes?why were they given clothes that is like an XXL to them when these boys can fit in an S size it really doesn make them look good onscreen and whats more it must have been quite a burden for them to dance in such a huge size isn it?thankfully it got better in 4th jib :) frankly i think jekki has a catchy beat that can make you just jump up and dance each time i listened to their cd my body never fail to start moving lol
The pendant kinda look the same isnt it?i guess every jekki members must have that pendant perhaps :) i hope its really the pendant that jiyong wore if it is it's really cool that jiwon wore it for the my love mv;)
Ah ic, its kinda a pity tho that they didn have any logo coz i thought of doing some fanwork stuff on jekki since im on my holiday now haha but im glad that their official color is yellow coz its one of my fav color!
hi all!how friendly you are with such a big warm welcome!see you tell more abt yrself i find it necessary to tell more abt me too.i'm 22 now, female, vietnamese. just call me LEO(it's my zodiac) in short i think i've become real fan of jiwon and sechskies as a whole cause i find stuff abt jiwon almost everyday(though truthfully i'm too lazy to upload anything :P)just "floating" everywhere to update news abt him.
Abt his clothes back then, i thought it was just fashion of pop groups in the 90s cause most of group like HOT, GOD, even some girlbands like Finkl,SES wore loose trousers.if not mistaken, i heard somewhere all these group led this styles on Korean youth on old days???not sure though.
jama, i've just watched yr video clip on youtube abt suwon interview."free of charge" oh my gawd just proud of my jiwonnie hehe. such a good hyung.thanks a lot.i heard that jiwon oppa also wrote the rap part, didn't he?i can't count how many times i hear "my love", it's so catchy, love sexy boys, esp. my jiwon hehe sorry for being too biased. And abt the comment on jiwon's complains abt long vid making and temper lol just sooo jiwon.i must admit that suwon have such nice muscle not like jiwon he too lazy to do some exercises lol
btw i nearly watched all video clip abt sechskies on youtube and even youku, tudou in chinese.plz tell me where i can find more vid or pic of sechskies?thanx in advance.nice day guys!
hey leo jiwon is really such a sweet friend isnt he?eventho he complaint alot during the mv shoot but i can feel he really love his dongseng so much well cant blame 13th years of friendship :) yes jiwon was the one who wrote the eng rapping part it blend really well with the song isnt it?
leo perhaps you can try the yahoo korea to find stuff on sechskies maybe you can see alot of their vid that you haven watch yet :D
Hello Leo ! so you have gotten to tuduo and yukuo already, here is another one www.baidu.com (the 2nd option from the right is the option to choose if you want to search for videos)
http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%CB%AE%BE%A7%C4%D0%BA%A2&frs=yqtb (Jekki bar)
http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%D2%F3%D6%BE%D4%B4&frs=yqtb (Jiwon's bar)
Jiwon's website in china (but you have to join inorder to see somethings and it is hard to join )
oops i'm rewriting this =P
ohh now i see this. sorri!! heheh thank u for the big warm welcome jama =D
I just want to make a comment abt logo of Sechs Kies, they had an official logo from 3rd album and i'll put it up soon.
im so glad to meet many Jekki fans here yay!! I went to the sites where Lisa mentioned but cannot understand them. T_T wish i can read Mandarin or Cantonese. They are juz too hard for me but someday i will learn ^_^
Lisa thank you for your contribution to find jekki vids i went to the site and omg theres definitely alot of jekki vids woot!
Izzru you can try google translate to switch it to english thats what i do always :) oh so jekki do have an official logo too?yea i cant wait to see you post it!!
hi all!thanks lisa for website address.luv it!going for searching now!lol
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