Anyway just would like to share a vid and pic of jiwon and also jekki yegham acapella ver.
A short vid of our jekki leader silly antic.
I dunno when and what show was this and i cant guess it either what was jiwon doing but i LOL at the last part when his leg got strained that is so choding of our jekki leader haha..and yea this was during his solo day actually.

And a snapshot pic of jiwon during Adios day (judging frm his suit) together with duracell bunny mascot, he look kinda cute and outstanding in btw the 2 bunny..lucky bunny bet it must be one of his female fans LOL
credit: blog naver
Here's also an acapella ver of Yehgam with a little bits of noise remix at the background
[jekki] feeling un... |
Honestly speaking when i first heard this i was simply awe by it their voices when singing without accompaniment was really good and they really harmonize well too now who says that these boys cant sing well =)
Credits: CB
Hope you guys enjoy what i have posted!
pls credit appropriately when taken any of the stuff out =)
hi.first i wanna state that jama plz don't be sorry for not being able to posting a lot cause forming and keeping this blog active alone can make me admire you for yr loyalty towards our boys.furthermore, u, just like us, have yr own work to do anyway. wish all the best on all you're doing. hwaiting. hehe. but plz just let yr blog alive not dead 4ever.ok?thnx in advance lol. recently it's also my busy time for me so there're still a load of unread jiwon's news for me on soompi though 1 or 2 times i passed by. i'm sorry i can't make time to visit yr blog.ah btw i've not seen Lisa lately.along with u jama, she's really the one who knows almost evrything abt jekki.
ok now to the main point, abt the funny karaoke clip, do u see how flexible jiwon's hand? such hand and arm movement quite looks like wave. u see? dreaming of seeing him dancing on his 5th album.i hope guys from jiwon's thread reported correctly his brief speech abt having some dancing song on the album on Strong heart.*sigh* still can't believe it'll happen cause i don't wanna trick myself any
yeah abt jiwon and duracell bunny that's exact outfits from adios handsome rite?g1 from soompi loves him like that.u know nice dress code, hairstyles, average-weighed. of course not like nowadays.hehe.i'm with her.but i find he himself today somehow more mature.i dunno anyway.hehe.
i'm most excited abt jekki's acapella yegam. it sounds like being done with music background. It's more than amazing!!!i've already known they can sing live but it's still beyond my can ....?( O ).so proud of our boys. they definitely deserve the title of legend and rival to HOT.their singing skill surely are higher far above than that of some recent idol korean group. youre awesome too jama. how and where can u get this?hehe just curious.hey one more time you kinda help live up my hope for jiwon singing ballad.hope this time it's true so that i'm not disappointed then traumatic any more.praying.
waiting for replies.
lovely day!
Hello Leo and Jama ^^ I am always here when ever I need to put a smile on my face I just pop over to your and Izzru's website. Same thing with the rest of you guys work work work then work some more ^^;;
Just kidding I acutually was away on vacation for 10 days T.T;; really missed a lot of Jiwonne baby's news just getting caught up now! I really should sign my self back up at soompi so the girls in Jiwon's thread know they are not the only ones that are crazy about him .
Good news! I have finally convinced my sister to saying yes to going to korea next year (you have no idea the amt of work the equals to ^^;;) I have to agree that I will not stalk Jekki or jiwon the ENTIRE time we are in korea, There will be shopping trips that I have to pay for, I have to make sure we eat good food and this is her number one request UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE AM I ALLOWED TO CAMP OUTSIDE OF JEKKI MEMEBERS HOUSE OR JIWON'S COMPANY OR KBS BUILDING! (she is such a crack up ^^)
now I just have to plan, save, and pray nothing major happens in the next 3 month~
BTW Just finishing freaking out cause I saw the Picture from Jiwon manager's wedding and Suwonne and Jiwonne are there together ^________________^ there is my JISUWON ^^
Hi leo sorry for not reply to ur comment asap not to worry i will try my very best to keep this blog alive as long as i can since i have decided to do this so ur bz too sigh i guess its a busy period for everyone of us now huh?
leo yes those are a wave hand movements since he does knw break dancing so i guess its not suprising that he can do wave too haha yes im also hoping that what he said on Strong Heart will be true i really wanna see him dance again coz i MISS seeing him dancing! tho ya i knw it wun be the same as during the jekki day but at least he showing us his dancing move again well that if what he said is really true lol
Yup leo i knw g1 loves him in adios day thats partly the reason why i post up that pic for her i dunno but i got this tingly feeling that she does paid a visit to my blog ocassionally so g1 if u saw this those jiwon adios photo are specially for u too =) and oh I love him in adios day too leo esp when he's dress in those white suit so charming! i dunno why but i juz likes guy who look good in white suit and jiwon of coz are among those :D
Those live accapella ver of yehgam are juz simply divine isn it when i first heard it i was juz awe by it their voices are sooo good even without any music background like u said it unlike some idol nowadays which is blah and when especially all of the members sang together it juz bam as tho their voices are really made for each other! lol and oh to answer ur curiousity i found this in someone Clubbox i dunno whats the name of the clubbox tho coz i knew it frm some inter-link in some random jekki blog haha =D
Hi lisa! how was ur vacation?lucky u having a fun 10 day vacation till missing out on jiwon news huh haha
Gosh a big congratulations to u for finally succeed in persuading ur sis to go korea with u finally ur wish has been granted! Although ur korea trip comes with ample terms and agreements but hey at least u got to go korea and who knw if lady luck is with u, u can even saw jiwonnie or any of the jekki members by chance in korea!! Pls do share with us if u got spot them by chance ya;) and oh btw which month of next year ur goin? but anyway looks like u have to save alot for ur trip to korea now ya =)
And yes lisa i saw those pic too in soompi JISUWON!! Woot im so happy to see the both of them again its so nice to see them together and its nice to see suwon attending jiwon mgr didn knw that jw mgr oso knew sw lol..I bet izzru would be so thrill if she saw those photo coz she adore jisuwon so much Lol ^^)
Before I went on vacation I already emailed my manager saying I am taking 2 weeks off in March (march 1st-march 15th) they were like you haven't even left on this vacation and you are already requesting the next one ?!?!
It took me 2 month to change my sister's mind about going to korea at first she said there is absolutely no way she is going if I wanted to go I have to go alone....... But after making her see how important this is to me she said yes ( I can be such a brat sometimes T.T)
So If I do go I am definity hitting the KBS building it will be awsome to be able to see where they film 1n2d and just take picture where Jiwon is and also GYM entertaiment office too, Suwon will definity be in MS at the time
(I am really really sad cause I really want to see him...) Jiyong.... I don't know he is the member that I felt least connected with, and no one knows anything about sunghoon...
I want to reach out to some of the fans of 1n2d in Taiwan they were able to deliver gifts earlier this year at the KBS building and New PD and Shin PD (she is the one that went to the island with Jiwonee in april ) were the ones that accepted the gift.
The thing is I speak 0 korean so I am still torning about joining a tour (IS THERE A TOUR FOR STALKING JEKKI MEMBERS!! SIGN ME UP!)
or booking everything my self.
either way you are right Jama I have a long road and a lot of things to decide on ahead of me.
But nothing will stop me I have wanted to make this trip since 9 years ago, I will make it happen!
Lol lisa if there's ever a tour for stalking jekki member count me in i want to go too!!!! and i knw u will definitely can make it happen coz i i too wanna go visit korea and like u i shall make it happen in 2 yrs time!! LOL
But anyway u sure do have alot of planning and stuff to do now =) but then lisa if u were to hit kbs building do u knw where is it at since this is ur first trip to korea rite? if u were to join a tour u most prolly wun be able to stalk or even got the chance to hit kbs building but if u were to go alone u will really really need to do alot of research first before visiting korea since its a free and easy trip but the deal u will most prolly got the chance to see any jekki members!
I was thinking if u were to go during march, only jiwon are the only member that u might be able to see coz jj,sw and jd are in the MS whereas sunghoon no one knw where he is but i got the feeling maybe he might be in japan with his sis? and jiyong u will need alot of luck and pyschic power like izzru to be able to get to see him? LOL
But anyway lisa i really hope and wish u do get to meet any of them so that u can comeback and share wif us ur experience!! and also that could be a repay for ur loyalty towards jekki after all these years too! =D
I have been doing a little homework and found this Lady in Taiwan who does like a small backpacker group tour thing to Korea. one of the stops is the KBS building and I will also try to find out what is GYM entertaiment's address and worst case I take a taxi over. ^^
I am sooooo excited right now Jiwon's album is set to be released soon!!!! just can't wait!
BTW is it hard to start a blog?? I just feel like sometimes I want a place to keep all the trip stuff down like a diary.
Lisa then might as well u join the little tour backpacker coz u will get all the freedom that u want to go went ur there! its kinda sad that sw has ardy enter the army by then otherwise u could pay a visit to his mum restaurant mayb u will get to see him!
And yeah! jiwon album is coming out on the 10 dec rite its 9 more days only!Lisa if only u get to go korea in dec maybe u will get the chance to see jw upclose for his performances!since he most probably will be promoting his new album..woot im excited to see how his new song and stuff will be like xD
To answer ur qns its not that hard to open up a blog however its really tedious to maintain the blog like updating the blog wif ur stuff etc do share wif us ur link if u ever decide to open up the blog ya ;)
ahhhhh lisa u've got it got it got it *ecstacy* why do i feel like i'm the one going to korea? lolz.anyway congrats jama, i think long time waiting and longing for is not a waste rite?hehe today i've learned a lesson abt mind power. hehe.thks lisa for that.still u can achieve sth but at some extent of cost rite?loads of yr sis' conditions for example?hehe. I really so really so appreciate that. lisa hwaiting!yah hope nothing big'll happen on upcoming 3 months.
jama's right saying that u've had many things ahead to do so i suggest you should come to jiwon thread on soompi for advices cause as i remember a girl named ladybutterfly's gone to Korea not long ago. u can ask her all stuffs abt travelling Korea. abt gym entertainment's address, i think it's on their website or u can back pages on jiwon's thread on soompi cause G1 girl posted the address and even map.
yah the last thing: have a good trip lisa. eh hope u can meet other sechskies members. i wonder when suwon'll enlist cause we can see him there at manager's wedding rite. hope u see him in 3 months hehe. good luck.ah abt yr ideas abt the blog lisa, i really appreciate if you form one cause i think u have such informative sources abt jekki and jiwon to share. yah and it'll be awesome that yr diary abt trip to korea is yr very first post.sorry if i kinda wear u out.hehe.
ah nearly's the second last thing hehe: i know u guys watched jiwon on Strong heart.frankly i kinda displeased at jiwon's overreacting over his old pics during jekki days.u see?maybe he just wanna be funny or just a choding as he is. but stamping on it, i think, quite off-limit. why didn't he just break it with hands?hey jama lisa do u feel quite hurt?i am kinda though just as a newbie fan of jekki. yah i totally agree with G1 girl on soompi on that. hehe bad fan really bad fan rite here!i really do nothing like posting jiwon's news or pics like G1 girl so i feel sinful saying that but it's really from my heart.forgive me, jiwon's fan.
long post again.hehe.i always try to make time to access yr blog so try to use the time appropriately.haha
bibi guys
lovely day(s)
hi leo thank god to finally see ur post coz i was waiting for u to voice it out on jw reaction at Strong Hearts xD
Yes i agreed like u im very very much upset and disappointed at his over-reacting act on stamping his or shld i say black kies photos i knw he hated that shot so much but i really dun see the need for him to stamp onto it maybe he's trying to liven up his choding image but i mean if its his own pic mayb i wun mind that much but he stamping onto my lovely jaeduc face too!! ;( i felt so hurt by his over-reaction its like a message saying how he hated his past so much :( ok i guess im too much of sensitivity here but yea as a new jekki fan i juz had this mix feeling of jw abt his feeling towards his past i duno if u notice it but did u see how jw seem to avoid seeing sj dance to couple and he also doesn seem please abt it as compared to danny when he heard and see sj dance to god song =( i duno but sometimes i got this feeling maybe he juz tired of pple keep asking him or mimicking on jekki stuff i guess so yea ;( ah i finally feel good letting abt this stuff out now haha seriously thanks leo for bringing it out this issue ^^)
Okay ladies here is the address for my 1st blog
pretty much it will all be semi related to Jekki I will also list comment on 1n2d shows (focusing on Jiwonne of course ^^) I was going to wait until 12/10 to celebrate Jiwon's 5th album release (and that way I can type up a few entries first too ) But I pressed post by accident ^^;;
Leo Thank you and you Jama for the vote of confidence about my trip to korea! I am definity keeping an open mind about the trip! I would love being able to see Jiwon that is going to be my only goal since 1/2 of jekki will still be in the army T.T
And Leo I did sign up in soompi again under the name Jekki012 and will defintity come by and chat with my fellow Jiwonne fans as soon as I add more on my blog so it doesn't feel totally empty.
As far as what Jiwon did on "strong heart" I acutually don't blame him, I BLAME THE PRODUCER FOR PICKING THAT PICTURE!
just think if someone flash a picture of you wearing a swimming suit from 12 years ago on national TV...... if it was me I would have done the same thing.
The shock of seeing that picture would have leave me with one option. DESTROY IT AT ALL COST! But it would have been nice for him to say sorry to Jaeduckkie and Jaejinnne. they don't look half bad in the picture! As I stated before I would love to get my hands around their coordi's neck from their first album's time (what is going on in that lady's head T.T)
Jiwon is acutually more open to talk about Jekki and jekki memeber now~ what made me mad was before when he first started down the hiphop and rap road, he REALLY did distance himself from other Jekki members (it was mentioned in 2 interview that I saw one in 2007 and one in 2009)
In fact I am still mad at him for not Keeping the yellow ballon! That at the time felt like a huge slap in the fans face.
Lisa i shall add ur address to my neighbour blog =D woot another jekki related blog! im so excited to see another jekki eng blog juz dun hate me for spamming at ur comment blog will do xp
When i first gotten to knw abt jekki i was like wondering why isnt jw balloon is yellow and frankly im really sad abt it as well esp like in the case of 2007 when j-walk and jw was combining stage it was kinda of a disappointment to see a division of color when actually the three jekki members are performing together ;( but im glad to hear frm u that he is more open abt jekki stuff now i hope he will continue to be that way and yes i agreed wif u it will be nice if he were to apologise to jd and jj for his over-reaction xD
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