As the title blog itself state im uber frustrated right now i have tried every means and ways to dig up for Sunghoon and Suwon solo pics from the above format pic that i had posted for my tribute stuff for the upcoming jekki 4.15 13th anniversary.
I got all the other members except for sunghoon and suwon which is so difficult for me to get my hands on be it naver,daum,nate or google i had tried searching from all the various sources but to no avail. I remember seeing it somewhere before but the stupid me didn save it and now im like looking all over the nets for it but unable to get hold of it when i needed it the most..sigh..i know this gonna be futile but anyone who got sunghoon and suwon individual pic with the above posted format can kindly tag me pls i really need the pics :(
Hey Jama there is a gif of the diffrent members in this kind of clothing at EJW dc post it was posted on 04/01/2010 when I saw it I was like OHHHHh exactly what Jama was looking for!! Suwonnne had the MOST ADORABLE SMILE on his face!!!! but I didn't see Sunghoone though...
Thanks lisa for informing me but its okay coz i got both sunghoon and suwon pic frm izzru ^^ and i agree with u suwon really got the most cutest smile ever when every member are not smiling he's the only one that smile lol
I especially love how his eyes totally disspears when he smiles it just melts my heart!! I said this before even though Suwonne is older than me, but I always felt like he is the baby and he needs to be looked after.. it was great that when duckkie was in the army that Jiwonne kind of looked after him and wanted to bring him on to variety shows ^^
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