Okay honestly speaking i nearly forgot about jaedukie birthday if not for some fans posted a birthday wishes for jaeduckie on her blog i wouldn even remember his birthday at all! I know im such a bad fans =( but anyway HAPPY 31/32th BIRTHDAY JAEDUCKIE OPPA~ I really hope you had a wonderful birthday spent with all your love ones and i hope you received alot of loves on your birthday too! Really miss watching him on tv and his singing too oh just FYI i gt news from izzru that suwon state in his cyworld that jaeduc will be appearing on tv soon im really really looking forward to that im hoping to see jaeduc comeback on tv and also his singing too yea~
Count me in as a bad fan also T.T I was in LA this weekend and totally forgot about Jaeduc's B-Day....
And Jaeduc + TV show = YAY!! Lets all keep our eyes open and check out when and what kind of show he is on~
I can't believe Suwonne is still updating his cyworld even when he is in the army?!! That mean he acutually have some time off~
Ohh and tell Izzru I said hi!! and that I miss her also~
oh i'm the worst fan!
i wonder who was with him on his birthday?
i love jaeduk being on stage again! thaks for the info jama. uhm i watched some clips of jaeduk and suwon. jaeduk is so dorky and funny. He should be on shows more besides stage as a singer!
Lol yea just like the both of u i cant wait for jaeduc to make his first tv appearance after his military discharge best if he could be in the same show as jiwon bet its gotta be fun xp
i can't imagine how shows will turn out when jiwon and jaeduk are in. the show'll be in chaos lolz. seriously in jekki, jiwon and jaeduk had some chemistry in dorky things XD
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