Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kim Jae Duc Is Back!!

Helloooo everyone! Long time no post sorry for the long absence been pretty busy lately with work but im putting some of my free time just to post my jae duc sshi comeback on the small screen again! Guess what is his first tv show is? Drum roll...

Happy Together!!

And he appear alongside with his camp mate cum old rival which is none other than Tony An!

Most of the time they were talking abt their moment in the camp and stuff etc..and lol at one part where jaeduc check out the transcript haha oh well what can i say he is still the cute and funny kim jaeduc and oh did i mention i just lub his look in here he has grow his hair!!

Here's the link to those who interested to watch it :)

Credits: naver blog &


Lisa said...

OH MY EFFING GOODNESS!!!! Jaeduck oppa!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE you!!!! soooo much. Will go home as soon as possible and find this show !!

Thank you Jama for brighting this dark monday!

Anonymous said...

omg! I thought you disappeared! I've been checking this for a while, because you're the only one who keeps me up to date on the jekki boys! Haha, sorry if I seem creepy, but I'm a big jaeduc fan too! Thanks for posting!