I apologise for leaving my blog stagnant for quite some time as i been quite busy the past few week with my project stuff and exam but trust me nvr once did i forget abt jekki ;) THANK GOD its all over as it holiday period for me now woot!and im gonna spend my times watching and reminiscing and at the same time researching and collecting all the jekki vids and of course at the same time blogging here well that if i have something to share haha!!
Here's alittle snapshot of the boys as a form of my apologies for leaving this blog alone for quite some time ;)

Those were the days rite?Sigh..
Side note from me: I not sure if there's actually anyone who will pop by at my humble jekki blog but since i saw the jump on the blog counter therefore i assumed that there's actually a passer-by or perhaps jekki fans who frequent my blog :) i really appreciate those who care to pop by my blog it will be great as well if you could at least drop a few msg esp if you are non-korean of jekki fans coz at least i knw im not the only jekki fans of outside korea and more reason for me to blog and share my thoughts and stuff as well :)
Hi!! that was me I think visiting your blog I just found it a couple of weeks ago,(I really wanted to leave a message today but I was at work ^^;; )I was also amazed that there are still Jekki fans. I have been a Jekki fan since 2000 and I live California. I like all six of them equally but I have a soft spot for Jaejin and Suwon and Jaeduc I felt like they are the underdog of the group.
It is very very nice to see your blog and your feeling on Jekki
Aww thanks alot lisa for commenting here i finally found some non-korean jekki fans. Wow ur been a fan of jekki much longer than me! amazing im curious how did u get to knw this grp are they famous too in california?ur lucky to knw this grp since 2000 whereas im actually a fan of them juz recently in april but i do knw this grp back then in 2004 just that im more of a H.O.T fans and now im regretting it actually that i didn like them too back then ;(
Like you i equally like all the members too but my top 2 fav is jaeduc and jiyong and i agreed i also think that jd,sw and jj sadly seem to be the underrated one in the grp..
Once again nice to meet and know you lisa im really happy that you make a comment here becoz i knw im not the only non-korean jekki fans that are around right now :)
I was in high school and a korean guy sat behind me in class and I could hear the music coming from his ear phone, it wemt thump thump thump thump pretty loud I got curious and took the earphone from and and lets just said he did not see his cd for about 2 week when he begged me to buy my own copy, that was the end of 1999. When I first saw the group I was drawn to Jiwon. And I have to say it was the greatest 5 month of my high school I found so many new friend ( my high school have a pretty high percentage of Korean student who are jekki or choti fans) but as you know everything changed in 5/20/2000.
here is my email address that I have had since 2000
sechskies_angel@yahoo.com, in case you have any q's on jekki ^^
And I think you said you are from singapore right?? beautiful country I visited there once when I was a kid very very clean .
hey lisa wow even ur email is in jekki name its so easy for me to remember :) i will definitely be asking u qns thru email if theres any dun juz find me annonying will do haha..i say very interesting story on ur part how u get to knw them its pretty cool i will say that jekki definitely does attract guys to their music as well..btw which of the song that first attracted u to them? i will say ur quite lucky to be able to knw them at least when they are still arnd :)
Jiwon definitely attracted alot of girls back then huh i guess it must have been his charisma haha
Yes im from singapore tropical country i will say haha it really nice to see theres a long time jekki fans frm non-korea
You are sooo right in saying Jekki also appeals to guys! the first song I heard from them is track number 15 on the 4th album COMEBACK remix their 4th alum look is one of my favorite look of all time Comeback look is black a simple not too much clothing, and Yegham look! don't even get me started on that ALL of them looked freaking awsome, but during that stage is when the fans noticed something was wrong DSP was not behind them they did not perform as much. I remember when I first found out about them I use to fall asleep in front of my computer everynight and waking up with keyboard imprint on my face ^_______^
Lol lisa u even slept infront of the comp haha hmm i guess u must have dreamt abt them too rite haha..I love their yegham look the most out of Comeback and Geu ro mon cho look they look squeky smart and handsome!
oh so it was during the Yegham stage that fans found out something fishy abt jekki problems no wonder i didn see much of yegham perf around :(
hey there!i'm a fan of Jiwon for a few months in 2 days and 1 night.That's why i've searched everthing about him and sechskies.I ran into yr blog quite long time but too busy to comment.Thanks to u, i oso luv sechskies now.I'm surprised at Jiwon's charisma on old days.i wonder why he rarely show his charisma nowadays!??
Hi anonymous welcome to my jekki blog im so happy to see comment yet from another jiwon/jekki fans im so glad alot of people are recognizing sechskies:)pls do leave your name too the next time you comment anonymous so that i could call you frm your name and also be able to knw you more better too :D
lol my blog is juz base on my thoughts on whatever i saw of jekki only you shld visit izzru blog too hers is more onto jekki stuff if you want to knw more abt these boys :) Frankly i love jekki coz im attracted to their brotherhood relationship back during jekki days and also their songs
Like you im was also so suprise by jiwon charisma during jekki days it so much different from now he sure have that natural charisma to attract back during jekki day isnt it? i also wonder sometimes why didn he showcase that charisma again rite now i bet he would be able to won alot of gers heart haha..
Thank you once again for your comment here anonymous it really make me so happy to see your comment :D
I have a little theory as to why Jiwon is not showing his charisma side as much now. he got into Jekki when he was still a kid 18-19 yrs old and he had to act mature and be the hyung for the rest of the jekki, he IS the leader of Jekki and he did that brillantly for 4-5 years. He never had the chance to really "Grow up" emotionly. The men side and the child side of him fights constantly and on music stage the strong charisma side would come out, and in 1n2d the child side would win. So I think that is why he acts out so much in 1n2d (6 ppl in Jekki and 6 ppl on 1n2d). one thing that came to mind right away was during Jekki days he lead Jekki on a strike (of some sorts) for 2 weeks they just hide out in diffrent members house, even though he didn't want to but as the leader of Jekki he told the other memebers they had to go back, they got punish for it. It was a hard decision to make and he had to make it....
hi jama,lisa. i leave my name now. nice 2 meet you all. thanks for yr warm welcome jama. i've known yr blog from yr youtube account.i can't agree more on yr theory abt jiwon's charisma,jama and lisa.i'm non-korean fan too.hey ijust have a question:why very few koreans mention or remember sechskies like they do to other old idol groups such as HOT, Shinhwa, Finkl ...?to my knowledge, sechskies was a legend too, even a rival of HOT right?
Hello Leosnoop87. I think the main reason why Jekki is not mentioned as much as H.O.T or Shinhwa or Fink.l is just as simple as they were not out long enough, just three year, but even though they are not always talked about they are rooted deeply in everyones heart. I mean they have fans that kept watch over them for 9 years after they disbanded! thats unheard of. they had fans who threw THEM a concert after they disband.(and fans who pretty much started riots and threaten to bomb dsp and egged dsp's building ^^;;) Jekki is and always will be a legend in the Kpop industry. even now so many new artist have came out and said Jekki is the reason why they got into kpop.
thanx for yr reply lisa.i think you,jama, lisa, izzru is one of important evidences for a everlasting sechskies.i really admire u all for yr loyalty to sechskies qute such long time *thumps up* u know as u mention how there r some loyal fans of sechskies, i suddenly remember a scene in 2 days and 1 night of Park chan ho ep where there r a girl who is die-hard fan of jiwon for 10 years and even have his birthday on her number phone.i'm really amazed then.so i strongly believe other members jiyong,jaejin,jaeduk,suwon,sunghoon and of course sechskies as a whole also have some fans who keep their image forever in hearts as the only idol ever.sometimes i feel it's a pity i can't know them sooner.They r amazing with all unique dance moves and singing at the same time.i think korean youth nowadays should pay more attention and oso respect to them cause they laid background for recent korean music industry and simply cause they are legend(it's not like they have this title for nothing, right?).ah now i'm sute i become their newbie fan :) nice day everyone!
Hi leosnoop87 im flattered that you put me under the everlasting jekki fans i wish i am but like you im also quite a recent fans of jekki in fact i feel regrettable that i did not love them sooner when i first knew them back in 2004 :( but i knw for sure now that jekki will always be one of my fav boyband from now eventho they are disbanded. I agreed wif you leo jekki definitely has one of the great dance move accompanied wif great music as well which is why i think they are such an awesome grp to be disbanded early and they will always be a legend in the k-music industry
Lisa i sort of heard abt the jekki strike but only knew little of it do u mind tellin me more abt it why did they went on strike?is it becoz of they knew they are goin to be disbanded? i heard they even went to jeju island to hide is it true?
I know I was too late but I still want to comment. Truthfully, I just start listening to oldschool kpop a few weeks ago thanks to Shinhwa. I know H.O.T Candy was so freakin famous but I still don't really favor them. (NOT SM STAN...) and I love Shinhwa but something makes me love Jekki more when I start learning some of oldschool kpop. Now, I officially love Jekki the most among 1st gen and it's sad that they will not comeback and united like how Shinhwa did... I want to see Jekki T_T
Please.... I know it's late but please don'[t stop spazz bout Jekki. I promise I will comment cuz I believe Jekki starts gaining fans from REPLY 1997 too although it was solely based on H.O.T fandom. kekeke.... and with Jaejin case, Sunghoon fraud issue, I would like to hear from you T_T
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