I knw im posting this in advance to jaeduk birthday which is tml 7 Aug but coz im quite tight these few days hence the reason..Look at how much jaeduk oppa has change over the years..I personally think he's looking much much better with age rite now :D
Saengil chuka hamnida Kim Jaeduk Oppa!!
Your 30/31 years old now..May all the luck and happiness be with you always and may you have a wonderful birthday eventho your in the camp rite now
Stay healthy, dorky, happy and sweet guy forever!! Heartz you always!!
ohhhh Jae Duckkie oppa ^_______^ now that is a perfect balance of hotness, cuteness blended into one and his accent just kills me, but I've notice his accent is almost gone and his singing have gotten a lot better . he needs to comeback from the army soon Suwon is getting lonely...
Hahaha lisa i like how u describe on his balancy seriously i never thought that he will become much better with age! His accent are funny yet cute at the same time isnt it but yea like you said i notice it too that his accent had almost gone i guess could be becoz as he now had a part in singing in j-walk and frankly i think he is really good in singing actually he got that sweet voice but i kinda miss his rapping tho now that he didn rap in j-walk album..
Ya im really hoping to see jaeduc comeback frm the army soon I guess suwon must be getting lonely without jaeduc dorkyness huh haha but then again once jaeduc come back it will be suwon that is in the army :(
Did you see the MV from J-walk's song " Shout out that I love you"? it had clips of Jaeduc shaving his head and going to the army and hugging the fans outside the gate T.T'' .
But I think Jae Duc must have ask Jiwon to look after Suwon, they went together to CTP and also in 1 episode of 1 night 2 day when they are ask to bring a friend, Jiwon stood up and yelled that he wanted to bring Suwone along! I was screaming at the computer going "YES YOU BETTER!!!" but the stupid producer said no celeb friend...... only "Normal" friends..
Sorry for flooding your blog with my reply but it's also been a while for me to speak to someone who knows jekki ^___________^
There are more Jekki fan blog and Jiwon blogs in chinese though,
No pls dont worry abt flooding my blog with reply lisa im so happy to hear comments and share thoughts with you i dont feel lonely at least becoz as u knw its hard to knw any non-korean jekki fans nowadays which is why im so thankful that you make a comment here pls dont stop commenting ya haha
Yes i saw that MV i love the song its beautiful that i had it in my playlist! the clip where jaeduc was shavin his head and hugging his fans(thats the ever sweet jaeduc)was definitely really sad ;( did u saw how suwon was looking at him when jaeduc had to shave his hair bald he seem alittle bit nervous too rite?probably thinking how he will look like with bald head haha
Yes i saw that CTP posted in izzru blog it was really cool that jiwon bought suwon as his best friend in that epi im so happy to see it! I didn really watch 1n2d tho coz i think i would not be able to keep up with all the preceding epi but i knw wat your talking abt tho coz i saw the gif pic in izzru korean blog, tho i dunno wat is it abt but when i saw suwon name i kinda guess that he might want to invite suwon as his partner in some variety show..now that you said it i really wanna see it do u remember lisa which epi was that in?but its such a pity rite that the stupid producer said no :( otherwise we could see more of them together on the set and more of their dorkyness too haha
I nvr seen any jekki blog in chinese but i do knw there are quite a number of korean jekki blog tho but sadly i dont knw any chinese nor korean languages which is why i open up this blog in hope to connect to some jekki fans..Btw are you chinese lisa?
I am chinese from Taiwan acutually so I can understand the blogs in chinese. There are also some Jekki fans in Taiwan, they held a meeting of the fans after they disband in 2000 or in 2001 and I think 50-60 people showed up.
So the main reason why I watch 1n2d is because of Jiwon no matter what any of the Jekki member does I will always support, I am really glad that I started to watch it! there are a lot of little reference to Jekki, Jekki days, and Jiwon being Jekki leader
1 ep had Jiwon and J-walk singing couple at someone's wedding (very short)
1ep had Jiwon wanting to bring suwon
1 ep had girls from Jiwon's group danceing to pomseng pomesa! and Jiwon rapping to it on the stage.
and some of the back ground music they would use Jekki songs .
and of course any time they did any of the above I would squeal with joy ^^
I will have to look up the dates on the and get back to you ^^
The chinese Jiwon fans acutually have this show translated in chinese so it's a great way for me to look at Jiwon and understand the words that are coming out of his mouth .
Thank you so much for the trouble lisa :)
i have seen the part where the girls grp called pinkie rite?perform pomsae pomsa and i thought jiwon looks absolutely happy when he heard the song lol and i also seen the part he and j-walk singing couple too and so happy that they even introduce themselves as jekki in that wedding i think that wedding is one of the 1d2n member suggeun if im not mistaken but what i saw is just the only related reference to jekki names since i always search for jekki stuff but the only one that i didn manage to see is the one that jiwon shouted out suwon name ah i really wanna see that!
hey lisa so your from taiwan oh cool jekki has went to taiwan before they disband rite im wondering were you able to get to see them that time during their visit to taiwan?
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