sorry for the very bad quality vid -.- ... Seen from somewhere that their location shooting is in Guam dunno how true it is but the places definitely doesnt really look like in Korea isnt it?

Didn they look so dashing and charming as though they are ready for a presentation anytime with their smart black and white suit? ^^ (thats how my friend will always dress-up whenever we have a presentation) LOL

LOL jaejin look so much like a triad leader isnt it with his sitting posture..whereas jiyong looks so much like jaejin right hand man haha..
Oh did i mention i actually dreamt of these boys in my dream wearing exactly that same black and white outfit chasing after ME right here in Singapore!hahahaha LOL i knw kinda a lame dream but how i wish it was true tho i wouldn mind if 4 HOT guys chasing after me, in fact who would have mind right haha... sigh those were the memories of sechskies days... miss seeing all the members together ;( ...anyway pls enjoy the vid ^.^
WOW Jama!!@!!!
I can't believe I have never seen these pictures before! I love the summer in love MV but I hated the way that it was all blurry and shaken, it was worse than the blair witch project, you can barely see Jekki dressed up or Jiwon and Sunghoon in tanktop ^_____________^
Didnt they look good in the pic lisa? hope it will brighten ur werking days more ^.^ I too love the summer in love mv coz i tink only that mv was alittle bit different then their others mv BUT like u said it i too hated for their very bad quality that i cant even read their eng sub at the beginning when they were talking abt what game was that-.- and not to mention i think all the members look suavely charming in that mv too! frankly speaking all jekki mv doesn seem to bring justice to the song and jekki itself at all coz i think all jekki mv was not as enticing as the other idol mv =(
hi all!long time no r doing guys?
jama oh how great u r when u find such rare vid and pic.4 men in black were just like men in Matrix lolz and jiwon, sunghoon might be heroes be honest nowadays i rarely view jiwon as a hero cause he now attaches to "choding" image (though it's cute).*sigh*
i wonder if "summer in love" was one of the most famous songs of them cause there r not many vids abt it to be found. i find that it must be a large expense for this MV but i don't think it's more renowned than other songs of i right?plz correct me.
btw why i have feeling that DSP entertainment really don't care much abt their singers. apparently jekki had hit songs but what wrong with such spare MV like yegam and road fighter?until now DSP hasn't done anything better with KARA and SS501.that's why SM entertainment always leads with SNSD, DBSK,... It's quite unlucky for 6kies under DSP's training.u think?
lovely day guys
Let's just say Jekki was a great investmnet on DSP's part they discovered all of them and put them together in a group, from what I remember from before most if not all of Jekki's album sold over 1 million copy but DSP was underreporting on the album sales to get away on taxes, ( I am not going to go crazy on this subject, it brings back too many bad memory about stupid DSP)
They spend as little money as possible to get as much money out of Jekki and Jekki fans, all of Jekki's cd, MTV , Concert tape and vcd are made with very very little money, but I feel like that is why people were able to connect to them personally, they don't feel or look like celebs that much ^^
Hi leo quite sometimes didn see u great to have u back =) LOL i juz grab whateva pic i could find of these boys and i happened to chance upon these pic in some site[sorry i forgot where =(]
These boys shld have participate in the Matrix or Men in Black movie isn it i bet it will sure be a huge hit haha actually summer in love MV was frm their 2000 concert dvd and i believe it's caused dsp quite a sum of money since the MV is kinda different frm their rest MV.
Thanx lisa for that info gah so thats how dsp did his unethical business, cheating on jekki hard-earned work >.<
ticanice to see you all jama, lisa
thanks for info abt summer in love jama.
OVER 1 MILLION COPY!oh my.i didn't know how outstanding our boys are. luv them much more. Lisa i agree with you that no well-made MVs might make them familiar to fans, make them real, not like some fake pop princess/ prince nowadays. moreover only without splendid MVs, we, fans, can see their talents right. not like some present-day stars with average singing skill but nice faces and pushed to the sky.fame of such stars not last long. I believe.
btw off-topic. sorry but i really can't help it. i'm in trauma with jiwon's "plan to get married" T_________T. and u?
lovely day.
Leosnoop87 you have sumed up exactly what I wanted to say ^^ when I look at a lot of the Kpop singers now, ALL i see is their heavy makeup and their flashy multi color hair, their eye blinding clothing, fast fancy dance moves, when you first see them you are amazed, but you can't see them as a person, but with Jekki there never is such a feeling they never had too much make up on their cloth is always plain looking (okay except the first album, I am still mad at their coordi!) It's just their face, talent, smiles all center stage.
As to Jiwonnnee getting married, it is a sore subject, I don't mean to sound like a 16 year girl going "Jiwon oppa is mine!!! no one else! how dare he get married!!!" but 16 is when I got to know Jekki and when I first looked at Jekki's picture Jiwonee was the first one that I fell in love with (his bad boy look for 4the album just kills meeeee ^^)
So when I first heard the news I felt my heart drop, but after a couple of second, if this girl brings soooo much happiness to Jiwon, who are we (the fans) to get upset...
There is a lot of talk going on in the chinese 2d1n forum about Jiwonne's change in recent episode, he is tougher, stronger, more willing to do task, to step up and be a better men, I can only assume he wants to become a better men for her T.T;;
whew that was a long ramble for me, but back to happy thought! he said not till the end of next year ^_______________________________^
yah as true fans we should wish him all the best with his plan for settle-down (though heart-broken inside T__T)
Yeah jiwon's changed a lot recently or more precisely, I think, he doesn't want to hide his good sides anymore cause of his future he said in 1n2d he wants his wife to be respected. Oh my where we can find such a sweet and thoughtful guy like him?! Why do I feel hearing the church bell somewhere lolz *creepy* Anyway i must acknowledge that he's really in deep love with his girlfriend. just see deeply in his eyes full of love when he's talking abt her.I so envy.she's so lucky having him.
Hey leo i like how u conclude up abt today idol i cant agreed more with what you said, you really said what is there all to say and i thank u for that! ^_^
Abt jiwon marry decision..sigh if he think its alrdy time for him to start a family we fans can only support him for that rite?
Hey leo i like how u conclude up abt today idol i cant agreed more with what you said, you really said what is there all to say and i thank u for that! ^_^
Abt jiwon marry decision..sigh if he think its alrdy time for him to start a family we fans can only support him for that rite?
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