While our 1N2D's dork, Lee Seung Gi is watching porn, our favorite 31 year old Choding/elementary kiddo, Eun Ji Won has his mind set on getting married.
On a fall special of 1N2D, Eun Ji Won announced, "I'm thinking of getting married in the second half of next year." To this, the rest of the members responded by exclaiming, "Isn't this an exclusive?!" But Eun Ji Won shot them down by confessing, "I said this last year too."
Eun Ji Won also stated, "I'm going to be a family-caring man after I get married. I'm going to respect my wife." Fellow 1N2D member, Lee Soo Keun replied, "Everyone thinks that before they get married. But a person who broke that is Kang Ho Dong." Kang Ho Dong shot back, "Because I respect my wife, I don't go home a lot."
Eun Ji Won is currently dating someone who is known as 'Ms. Lee'. She was reported to have been Eun Ji Won's first love and their love goes back all the way to the 90's. Apparently, they met when Eun Ji Won went overseas to study abroad in Hawaii in 1994. They dated while he was in Hawaii but had to break up when he moved back to Korea to pursue his dream. The couple then rekindled their love after 12 years when Ms. Lee came to Korea and have been dating ever since.
Credit:allkpop.com & Soompi
Its never my intention to rub salt into the wounded heart of jiwon fans abt his latest comment at 1d2n, initially i thought i will juz keep it to myself abt this issue when i first saw it at soompi forum but since i saw lisa and leo were talking abt this i too will like to share out my thoughts abt this issue..
When i first saw this news at soompi i was in shocked total shocked and not becoz of jiwon decision reason but becoz on the same night before i saw the news i was actually thinking abt this same issue in that same day! And i was fervently pondering what if jiwon was to announce that he wish to get marry, what will happen to my hope(to see jekki reunion),what will happen to his career etc..and bamz my pyschic pondering really happened!
Although i was quite shocked and sore abt his decision but i anticipated that it will happen sooner or later, honestly if i say im fully happy for him i'll be deluding myself as such im quite a new fan of him or rather jekki i wld say it does make me feel stab in the heart to hear this news so soon =( and this makes me more regrettable not liking jekki since 5 yrs ago ;( BUT like lisa said we cant be a selfish fan rite if he's happy with his gf and think that she's the one for him we fans shld bless him for his decision isnt it? beside his gf is 2 yrs older than him and are not getting any younger thus i believe it must be one of the reason of jiwon hitching decision?
HOWEVER Im alittle concern too if he was to get marry and have a little jiwon ;(, i really hope that his career wont be hinder by it coz honestly eventho sadly alot people seem to recognise him as eunchoding of 1d2n but he's is the only member of jekki that are still active in the ent industry since the rest of the members seem to be out of sight now =( and thankfully becoz of that jekki legacy are still being remembered/talk till now..
Actually frankly im kinda hoping jiwon will reconsider the next year marry decision coz when jiwon said that he plan to get married next year the first thing that came my mind was like "Oh No! What!! His baby jekki member Suwon would be still in the army and he wont have the chance to attend your wedding jiwon-ah"!
Anyway if ever jiwon big day has come I really really hope to see all the jekki members attending their hyung wedding and become his best man and also sing "Couple" song for his hyung on his big day BUT will jiyong attend jiwon big day when the time comes? this thoughts suddenly probe me as im quite skeptical of jiyong attendance since i believe he wouldnt want any media attention imagine if jy was to attend i think all the media will put the attention to him instead of jw lol haha and oh it will be a jekki reunion on jw wedding too! Lol juz having to imagine this thoughts are making me excited yet sore at the same time =)=(
WOW what a long thoughts i made whew!
And oh look at Mr Eun the CEO of GYMENT office

Credit:gyment & soompi
Its so nice to see that he even put jekki works too heheh, make me feel like stealing those cds xD
This Totally remind me of Gilme's song love cuts "Yah You are the Heartbreaker and I can't let you go!"
Jama you are right though if he gets marry next year Suwone Baby won't get to attend!!
And I really really really on my knees wishing that Jiyong is able or willing to show up at Jiwonne's wedding. I mean is it really too much to ask to have a single picture of all six of them together!! IS IT!
As for those Jekki cd on his office wall, I will distract Jiwon while you grab them and run for it Jama!! it is a dangerous job but someone's got to do it !!!
This does not have anything to do with Jiwonne but I was at the website that you pulled the picture from today and on page 68 it showed Pictures for J-walk for when they were in Taiwan in 2005. I feel soooooo happy to see them in my home country, Jaeduc and Suwon looked like they were having a blast! Suwon took a picture with the current tallest building in the world the taipei 101 and they took pictures on scooter , just soooo adorable!!
whew! just wanted to get that off my chest !
Hahahaha lisa u really got me LOL hard on ur idea maybe we shld put that into action ya along with izzru and leo too more people to distract jiwonne more easier for us not to get caught!!! xD
Sigh..i am wishing and hoping really really hard too that hopefully jiyong will attend jw's wedding when the times comes i really really wanna see all original 6 jekki members taking pic and singing couple together!! Jiyongie you better attend or else me and lisa will kidnap you and bring you to jw's wedding itself as part of a gift for jw! ^_^
Woah lisa you screen the page until page 68 woot amazing kudos to u! Oh so j-walk did make a visit to taipei in 2005? Lisa you shld have went back to ur hometown so u will have the chance to catch them too! =D
hi i'm leosnoop87. too lazy (like jiwon) to write the whole thing so just LEO from now on.hehe
i'm nearly fainted when seeing the first pic of my jiwonnie. so sexy.i wanna it back in his 5th album. *wishful thinking?*. thanks jama so much. you so good at finding rare pics. *applause*
yah jama a future psychic lolz. so i desperately wish you can foresee what music genre Jiwon oppa will mainly come up with in his upcoming album and whether his album can make a big hit. i'm so looking forward to jiwon-a singer not only jiwon-a rapper b/c i find his voice so soothing when he sings *winking*
jama i'm with you that he should settle down soon cause his gf is not getting any younger (34 yrs old rite). However like you 2 jama and lisa, there won't be any great chances other than jiwon's wedding for jekki's reunion.*sigh* i even think that it may be the only chance. I also doubt the possibility of jiyong's presence. i think u guys remember a recent clip abt how some reporter stalked jiyong on the way to work. i felt eager and disappointed at the same time. I'm happy seeing him again but also disappointed abt his indifference *exhale*. it 's not like I don't like him cause it's his life and he has right to choose way to be happy.i'm glad he's doing fine. there is one thing i still can't figure out.how many percentage of the accuracy rumours abt jiwon and jiyong's quarrel? anyway there must be something cause jiwon was so gloomy and touched when talking abt jiyong in come to play idol special, right?
ok just wanna change my tune.jama lisa plz count me in stealing jekki's album. i'll distract him by begging for his signature. noone have heart to kick a die-hard fan out right?lolz Just easy on yourself cause it'll take me abt 1 hour to distract him by brazening there(don't worry it's my major rofl)*i think i'm too crazy abt him now*
desire to write more but *yawning* sleepy now and sorry for long post. keep on later if possible.bibi seeya
Hey leo waiting to see ur comment here haha..ur most welcome for the all 'thank u' =) i will try to share as much as i can if possible :D Those pic that i posted are the few of jiwon charming and sexy pic that i like of him i also wish he could go back to his 5th album look!
Lol future pyschic huh i dont think im there yet lol as im still clueless abt what and how jw new album gotta be like but i can sense it gonna be still hip-hop with alittle bit of dance perhaps heheh how i wish it will be true lol and i agreed wif u leo jw has such a sweet voice that he shld at least have a few singing track for us fans in his new album rite?;)
Sigh abt jiyong i just wish he would not absent himself during jw wedding day otherwise we shall kidnap him and bring him to the events itself haha..Ok leo ur most welcome to join in our 'iljimae" mission to steal jw jekki cd albums haha ^_^
hey jama it's my honor to be most welcomed by u.thank u again.i think i should say it more often and hope that u post as many posts as possible for me to ... comment.hehe.btw it's great chance for me to practise my english writing.thanks thanks a lot.if i'm not mistaken u're my senior so would you mind if i call you jama unnie?
yay yay return to the main purpose making me come here.i think u've watched jiwon on Kbs Champagne already.there jiwon said many things abt jekki.so by any chances u can understand what he said?he was so dynamic and talkative there.u think?
hey leo lol i will prefer if u just call me jama no need to be so formal haha..yes i have watched ejw at kbs champagne already and he indeed really talked alot abt jekki stuff or rather i would say he had been ask alot of jekki question stuff =) but sadly i do not really understand much on what they were talking abt =( otherwise i would definitely had done a subbing on that part coz i would love to sub all jekki related stuff heheh ^_^
I just lost everything I type before so now I have to retype it !! ARRRRGGHHHHH!!!
Anywayz I just finish watching the KBS Champagne with chinese subtitle and Jiwonne did mention a lot about himself and Jekki here is a couple of major things that stood out. I am going to rewatch and fill in anyother details later~
1: DSP (stupid company) really wanted to keep sunghoon and Jiwon together and promote them as a two member group after Jekki disbanded but Jiwon said because him and sunghoon value the relationship between Jekki memebers tooo much they both turn them down and left dsp.
2: There were other companys will to take Jekki or buy Jekki's songs and name for either 20-30 millon or billon won (either way that is a TON of money) But again DSP refuse the offer and ask for more money (FREAKING HATE DSP!) this is consistant with what was floating around on the internet around that time there were rumors that YG family wanted to buy Jekki and made a offer to DSP but DSP refused.
3: 1 of the Jekki memeber is really well know in the entertaiment indusrty as the lady killer a lot of the famous ladies in entertaiment liked him and later on it was revealed by servel people as none other than KANG SUNGHOON!! and they showed a clip of him singing couple in purple ~ oh love whey ee ja so ya ~ ^^
Jiwonne said that he saw Sunghoon somewhere and he went up to sunghoon's car and opend the door wanting to talk to sunghoon, he saw a girl sitting in sunghoon's car(this is the famous girl actress that they were refering to )so jiwon just said hi then bye and close the car door ^^
4: I know I have heard Jiwon mention or heejun mention it before as the well respected leader of the best boy group of the 90's they were being compared constantly and before they knew each other well they were in the same bathroom together for one purpose! to USE the bathroom, neither one is willing to GO unless they were alone. SO they were at an stand still, Jiwonnne gave up and went to another bathroom when Heejun call his coordi and said he wanted to do make up and dress in the bathroom. Jiwon said if he had waited for Heejun to be done then he would have WENT in his pants ^_____^;;;;;
THis really is a great program to watch, Jiwone got a lot of screen time and his reactions are wonderful I am sooooo looking foward to seeing more of him doing varity shows when his new album gets release in 9 days!!
OMG THANK YOU SOO MUCH LISA U REALLY MAKE MY DAY!!! i like the kbs champagne they indeed focus much on jiwon jekki days! I love it so much if the variety show jiwon feature in show alot of jw stuff during jekki days :D
@1: Aww i am so touched that sh and jw rejected dsp down to keep them after jekki breakup becoz of they valued the other members relationship thats really really thoughtful of them which is why i love the jekki friendship so much..they really do treasure their members friendship. Selfish dsp he only wanted to keep the popular members in jekki >.<
@2: Stupid damn freaking dsp no words could say how much i really hate them they are one total selfish company Jekki could have a long standing in the ent industry if yg were to bought them beside yg are quite a good company too as oppose to dsp but becoz of dsp selfishness jekki had to break up I HATE DSP VERY MUCH!!
@3: LOL sunghoon he really indeed a lady killer back then rite esp during the 3.5 jib that was his most cutest moment lol ^.^
@4:Lisa heejun did mention abt this before at Come to play idol special he even mention that he actually like jw lol both leaders are not only compete in music they even compete for the usage of bathroom haha xD
How i wish that i could understand chinese language so that i could translate and make a sub onto every sentence that jw said coz i would love so much for people to knw abt what he said abt jekki stuff. But im really happy that ur willing to give us the synopsis on this vid lisa really thank you so much! ^__________^
hi all.I'm so behind here.such coincidence that i had the same problems of retyping the whole like you lisa. i wrote such a long post and press "publish" but my post's gone.i know how irritable it is lol.from that time i copy all i wrote just in case unfortunately it might disappear.haha
thanks so much for yr synopsis.just love how much airtime for jiwon and jekki. yah love their friendship and faith to each other. well-done jiwon, sunghoon. *sigh* that's the reason why talking abt sechskies jiwon always wish he had valued much more their momments together and that he would do greater jobs at that time.no wonder he and sunghoon made such a great decision.
Abt DSP, though being just a newbie fan of jekki, i already find DSP really hateful than i thought. how they could be selfish like that?they should have blamed for stupid business profits. However i never think it is a clever move for an successful and stable business.i can see a vision that some day if they keep on treating their stars like that and at the same time hurt fans' hearts they'll be boycotted by fans in a rage.that makes me recall the clip of the demonstration made by jekki's fan against their decision on disbanding jekki.gru gru
abt sunghoon, I have no doubt that he was lady killer. lol.just look at his smiley face.it sure can melt yr heart rightaway.
abt jiwon and heejun, jama you made me laugh with yr comment on that.right rivals in all dimensions.rofl admittedly, hee jun likes jiwon so much that he also mentioned jiwon on the other show Global Chitchat.u guys remember?lol at heart symbol with jiwon's name on heejun's cellphone-"our jiwon" haha.
jama i just catch the info that u can see subbed KBS champagn with jiwon on KBSworld around 11:00AM(hong kong)tomorrow.it just a quick glance on screen so i can't tell exact time anyway. just manage time to tune in.i hope u can. or else we just wait for jiwon soompi thread uploading.yah lisa reading yr synopsis get me more excited abt each jiwon's statement.thnks again lisa.and thanks jama for this great blog cause here i can get more info abt jiwon and jekki as a whole. moreover indeed chatting here partly helps me change my tune abt fans in general.to be true before i think being a fan is a waste of time and money.However after crazy abt jiwon, wanting to know more abt him then jekki and sharing my ideas with you guys i realize i learn so many moral lessons from jiwon and other jekki members and from you 2 lisa, jama, faithful fans(it's true, i don't exaggerate anything.) i believe here we can build up friendship right?
yay yay long post again.sorry if it bored you.
P/S:jama, i thought "unnie" title make it more intimate.lol.
bibi. lovely day!
Leo ur words are really indeed touching and motivating like u frankly knowing jekki make me realise and learn a few thing as well esp the moral of friendship value eventho they are no longer together as jekki. Im so glad that you enjoy being in this blog and of course as u said it to build up our friendship as jekki fans, im so glad to meeting a few of nice jekki fans here :)
Leo i saw that kbs global chitchat that u were talking abt it was really funny how heejun commented that becoz jiwon and him has the most similar experience together jw is the only one who has the heart behind the name OUR JIWON♥ at his cell hahaha funny heejun! Nvr stop to man-crush with our jw haha..sigh i really wish i could get to watch kbs champagne frm the kbsworld but sadly at 11am i still in my class having lesson :( hope someone will upload it so that i could watch it again with better understanding :D
Lol leo unnie really make it more intimate and yet formal but im fine with it if u wish to call me unnie im honour actually heheh xD
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