Ok i gave up after tweaking here and there i realise im really a noob on blog layout i actually wanted to furnish my blog background of that just like how izzru had done wonderfully and beautifully at both of her blog but after a few tweak and edit it just doesnt work so i decided to just make do with changing the banner only LOL..and to commemorate with the coming festive xmas, boxing day(which is my bday =D) and new year season i switch to the look of jekki "couple" day since it was during winter that they debut their 3.5 album and also i had always love jekki couple" look thus the reason why!

Dont they all looks so cute during the couple look ^^
Anyhow since im having a term break now i will be posting and sharing a few of jekki vid and pic in my later post hopefully =D
ohh i luv luv just luv your new layout!! i luv the comfy yellow background =D i love Jekki's winter songs, like couple, nuh reul bonae muh, some of the songs from 2nd album, songs from special albums. sigh i luv the winter songs ! but i don't like winter that much haha. it's snowing outside, and i just shovelled the driveway out. whew! Theres a 24 hour snow squall warning! we're expecting abt 15-25 cm of snow today and tmrw. exciting! =) next time when i shovel the snow i should listen to Jekki's songs to get me keep motivated =D
oh and it's two weeks early but happy bday! =D
I LOVE IT!! I open the blog at work and just went WOAH!! hehe love it when I see them in couple attire! sweet sweet JEKKI boys, 11 years. where did the time go??
Izzru be careful outside with the snow!! here in cali we get excited just to see frost on our cars!!( I was late for work because I don't know how to defrost my car T.T)
Lol thanks u izzru and lisa for the compliment on my blog tho it was nothing spectacular unlike izzru blog xp
Woah frankly im envy of u both coz here in spore i cant even get to see any snow at all! in fact i nvr seen one in my whole life lol the only thing we have here in spore is juz sunny and raining and in dec it will usually be struck with chilling heavy downpour but lately the downpour are not so frequent and it wasn that cold anymore unlike in the past i guess it must be the impact of global warming so yea i think u gals are pretty lucky to have a four season at ur country =)
And oh thanks izzru for the really advance happy bday and yes i tink u shld really listen to jekki song each time u need to shovel the snow away i wonder have u gals ever make a jekki snowman? i was thinking if i were to live in a country where theres winter i most probably make a 6 snowman and name it jekki the snowman! LOL
LOL Lisa i hope u didn get a scolding frm ur boss for being late =D
It doesn't snow in my area, in my 15 years living here I have seen snow once, it melted before it hit the pavement, sorry Izzru that you had to shovel the snow, I saw somewhere that it is fun to play in the snow but to shovel snow is hard work especially on your back!
Don'w worry Jama they are use to my weird behavior when it comes to Jekki ^^
hola everyone happy holiday!jama u're not the only one never to see snow in whole life lol.there're only 2 seasons in my city sunny and rain and when christmas comes the weather doesn't lower down much.sigh i never feel christmas around anytime haha.just dreaming of coming to Korea and seeing snow 1 time and why korea but any other country?cause there lives my beloved Jiwon hehe.
abt yr background i think being simple is always the best cause it's significant and more importantly u've put big effort with yr whole heart.yah lovey cutey "couple" outfits.hey it seems looks like HOT's "Candy" outfit rite?plz correct me.
btw just seeing izzru's happy birthday blessing, i wonder when ur birthday?sorry I tried to find it out myself in yr profile but nothing to be found. sorry jama. anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY!wish u all the best.
ah i find it more relaxing posting in u and lisa's blog than soompi hehe.maybe i'm not familiar with crowded place like jiwon thread (though not really crowded and girls there are also hospitable).seen yr reasons for loving jama, really lol at "love/hate relationship" part.haha even I sometimes feel the same.jama b'cause u love HOT too so do u know how dynamic all HOT's fan blogs are?let me guess first.it's much more dynamic than jekki's fan blog rite?yah suddenly feel sad that jekki coudn't exist long enough. ah lisa just love how u introduce yrself.it's so touching for me.u seem to be having a great friendship with them rite!congrats.for if it's for jiwon thread's 100th page, i swear i never post anything there haha.my bad.shy girl.
Ah jama i just watched suwon feating gil me.it's so great. girls in soompi and then I just wonder if there's any vid abt them and rite now u got it.how amazing!hehe Gil me indeed couldn't look in Suwon's eyes as she said.anyway Suwon nowadays always looks more mature than Jiwon haha.girls like boys with manly look cause they'll feel like be protected. By contrast i like jiwon for his funniness to release my stress everyday hoho.
Sorry for being MIA too long.
lovely days girls
Oh Leo ur back frm MIA welcome back! glad to see ur posting first Happy holiday to u too thanks for the wishes for my bday tho its actually rite after xmas on 26 dec :D..okie leo i realised we have a great mind think alike thingy there's 2 thing that we have the same mindset 1. u too will like to visit korea 2.like u i also think that jekki couple outfit seem alike with H.O.T candy outfit! just that candy outfit seem abit kiddy? ahaha :D
Thats nice to hear that ur more comfortable in posting at my blog and lisa rather than soompi hehe because truthfully me too i feel quite uncomfortable posting at jw soompi thread not that they are not nice just that whenever they talked abt 1d2n stuff ect im abit blur since i didn watch that show so yea cant share my view haha..
Hmm in regards to your question abt the H.O.T blogs honestly speaking i dunno LOL (me bad) as H.O.T has one english fan-forum cater for international fans so i only visit the forum to update myself and find stuff there unlike jekki its very hard to find an english forum cater for their international fans which is why i feel theres lot of things that i dunno abt jekki :( but in my opinion i think thankfully there's still jekki fan blogs that are still alive for example like lisa blog and the other korean fanblog that i visited they still update jekki stuff now and then so yea thanks to these dedicated dsf im still able to watch jekki stonenage stuff :D
Leo thats gilme rite the one who rap for suwon when he was performing shout out i love u? i was unsure at first coz ya im very bad at noticing on girls LOL i was actually looking if j-walk had made any perf on one of their single song "antaggawo" coz i fallen for that song (anyone pls alert me if they did any perf for antaggawo)then i saw the vid that lisa was talking abt gilme rapping for suwon but i think if it was me i would have done the same as gilme coz suwon was just too hot that look like an eligible bachelor in that perf! LOL
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