White X'mas from 4th jib
Last X'mas 2nd jib
And the most nolstagic cute x'mas song ever; Jekki X'mas!

Though i never celebrate Xmas but i would like to wish all my blog readers a Merry X'mas & Happy Holiday!!!
Though i never celebrate Xmas but i would like to wish all my blog readers a Merry X'mas & Happy Holiday!!!
It does warm my heart up just hearing xmas songs from them jama.thnks a lot jama.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.wish u and yr family all the best.what'll u wish for the new year coming jama?for me i wish to see jiwon in person haha *paranoid* hehe. However i find they were so sad in White Xmas except for Hoonie with such unnatural smile!why baby why?(-_-)cause they are in advance announced by DSP that they're going to disband? I also notice that jiwon put a hat to hide his shaved head I think.OHH so sad that I dunno but jiwon's face in that vid resembles exactly his in their last performance in dream concert.maybe here was the last xmas they were being together in 1999?from somewhere i learn that they even hid themself somewhere to avoid from disbandment right?I so hope I just imagine too much cause it's only the slow music made them go with such sad faces that's all and no more. on this special occasion, I wanna wish them all the best too.Jiwonnie, Jiyong, Hoonie, Jaeduk, Jaejin, Suwonie plz stay strong despite whatever did and will happen.we're here supporting u all always.(haha assuming they can see my post)jekki hwaiting!
Anyway this is one of significant christmas in my whole life. thanks again jama.ah srry for burning out yr excitement for christmas.i just wanna let my thought out.regreted but later determined.haha stubborn girl.
bb for now
sweet days
Hey leo merry xmas to u!! did u receive alot of present on xmas? LOL at ur wish but hey who knws it may just come true =D
My resolution and wishes for the new year will be to have a better & happy 2010, get a job soon after i grad in march and to see JEKKI REUNION!!(LOL as if)but im hoping to see a jekki member collaboration tho in 2010 especially when jaeduc has finish his military service in june :D
Leo i kinda agreed with ur thoughts on why they they look abit sad on white xmas perf but on the other hand i guess maybe they were just following to the melody of white xmas? actually my guessing of why jw put on a hat was becoz of his blonde shave hair together with jiyong notice jiyong blonde streak under his hat? coz i remember in ctp old idol they were saying that in the past the tv station was really strict on how the celeb look isnt it?not even a dyed hair -.- so yea that was just my sentiments only but hey u knw what i think the hat really makes jw and jy looks so westernized as compared to the other members isnt it? haha im actually loving their costume in 4th jib makes them look more suave and charming :D
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