For some reason i still think he hasnt age at all ok maybe alittle mature but he definitely doesn look like his age at all! Still looking good and fine as always! Hope he could get in the same unit as jaeduc or jaejin after his 5 weeks training are over ^^
Suwon oppa be healthy always we all will wait for ur return in 2 yrs time! :D
AWWWWW JAMA!!! THANKS!! I was so very happy today even though I had a crappy day at woring just looking at Suwonnee's picture makes me smile, they are like medicine for my pain ^^
Please let everyone treat him nicely and let 2 years pass by in a flash and let Jekki member be reunited again!
No problem lisa im glad that suwon pic are making u less crappy look at sw hand he's showing some hwaiting to u :D
I saw all his platoon mates god they seem to be so much younger than sw i really hope he could get along well with them sigh hope 2 years will pass by quickly too who knws it could mark the reunion of jekki ^^
I heard becuz S.Korea had really much snow, the camp would prolly spend the training weeks with shoveling all the snow!! nooooo suwonie! I hope he's ok! =(
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