July 16th is our dearest maknae from jekki birthday!! Saengil chuka hamnida Suwon oppa!! Happy 29/30th Birthday! May you have a wonderful birthday and may all the good things come in your way always :) Initially i planning to do up a birthday banner for suwon juz like how i did for jy and jj but due to becoz i need to rush out my project report -.- hence i can only settle to post his pic and..anyway to sum it all up
Here's my birthday song to all the july babies - jy,jj and sw oppa
saengil chuka hamnida
saengil chuka hamnida
sarangha neun jy,jj,sw eh ge
saengil chuka hamnida
HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Ko Jiyong, Lee Jaejin & Jang Suwon oppa!!

hi I haven't been here in a really long time :) hi jama...let's keep posting. I just realised how...dead...the community is (probably b/c of the lack of Izzru?) and I don't have that much time either but let's keep posting :)
Hi Kate yes i do realise that the community seem quite dead rite now but not to worry i will definitely continue to keep on posting :)
Suwon the Baby have grown into Suwon the MAN! And what a voice he have grown into. I look foward to his new music.
Hi lisa haha frankly im amaze at how much suwon had change over the years from that cutie look to such hotness that sometimes i cant even look at his hot body when his strip his clothes haha and his voice change a lot too isnt it? Its more manlier now than in the jekki days..im also eager to hear his new music soon :)
I was watching the behind the scene of filming My Love MV and he was in like a gym short and tank top and that Man/Suwone IS ON FIRE!!! now he is the perfect balance of muscle and tone, he is not fat or over weight or chubby, he is all muscle! compare to chubby Jiwon ^_________^, and they were all kidding around in it Suwon was on the phone with someone else when jiwon called him over and he said something like "What?" to Jiwon and Jiwon got mad and said this is how you talk to your hyung now ? and Suwon kept on ducking away and said "sorry" really low ! arrrrgghhhh when they kid with each other like this it just melts my heart ^^
Haha yes yes i remember that scene when jiwon was kinda scolding suwon it was so cute i laugh out when i saw how suwon was ducking away he seem really scare of jiwon hyung huh lol look like jiwon seem to be the fierce kind to them huh ahahah..i really like it alot when they are kidding with each other it just remind me of their moments together during jekki days:)
Im kinda suprise actually to see a hot suwon coz i thought maybe jaeduc or jiwon will be the one whos gonna develop muscle since they more into dancing while suwon was more of the quiet quiet type haha but im really glad jaeduc doesn tho coz otherwise i think it wouldn suit the dorky him haha
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